September weather in Mallorca

Clouds coming in early North of Sant Llorenc

September is a month of three parts. It starts in the heat of August, with growing humidity making it seem almost hotter than that scorching month: “31 degrees, feels like 41 degrees” the forecast often tells me.

Then the second part of the month comes bringing thunderstorms, sometimes, but not always, with downpours of rain. Dramatic electric storms are possible here sometimes without rain. This year September was looking like one where we escaped the worst of the downpours, but as I write it’s pouring and the next two days look very wet.

The last phase of September is after-the-rains; suddenly the temperature is 24 degrees instead of 32, and there’s a freshness that replaces the sticky humidity. The third phase of September gives us ideal cycling weather, and I would invite our clients to come at this time with enthusiasm, if only I knew when the third phase comes. It’s that pesky second-phase: we can’t say when it will come or how long it will last.

This year the storms came early, but lasted a long time; each was brief and didn’t break the heat and humidity once and for all. After each storm we could feel it build again. It looks like this year, it will all be over by the 23rd, and the third phase will begin then. If you can book short-notice, come on Friday!

If you can’t, I recommend October as one of the best months on the island for riding.